Monday, 25 June 2012

I am Still Alive

I am so sorry for my absence. I tend to get a bit sidetracked when I am entirely busy and then I am too tired to update my blog. There are a few pictures showing my last two weeks. Going to my friends then eating amazing cake, surprise parties, Hout Bay Market, movie nights with friends and so much more. My outfits these two weeks have been pretty dark and lacking colour. This is due to the fact that I own no colour. It need to brighten a bit up and that is my aim now for the next year. To expand my cupboard with brighter more classic items. I hope I can keep to that aim though. I tend to just go for the simple everyday colours that go with everything. The days have been very cold lately that I wouldn't be surprised if it snowed. Though snow in Cape Town would be a complete miracle. The icy weather has got be layering up more than I used to. Need to start finding warmer more stylish jerseys to cover-up. On the hunt.
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